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Looney Bird
Looney Bird mask painted.

Choo Choo
Choo Choo mask painted.

Earl mask painted.

Fatz Animatronic
Fatz animatronic fully mechanically and cosmetically restored. Mask and fur are brand new. Organ has brand new front.

Looney Bird Animatronic
Mechanically fully restored Looney Bird with brand new fur, feathers, leaves, and mask.

Billy Bob Animatronic
Billy Bob Animatronic fully mechanically and cosmetically restored with new mask and painted guitar. Installed at FUN! Pinball in Mesquite, Texas.

Dook mask painted and furred using brand new head fur.

Mitzi Hands
Mitzi hands (NRAE style) painted and furred using new fur.

Mitzi hands
Original style Mitzi hands painted and furred using new fur.

Custom Mitzi
Custom painted Mitzi mask with lighter eyebrows, lips, and blush. Ears were also painted. Mask and ears use brand new fur.

Looney Bird
Looney bird mask painted

Fatz mask painted and furred using the original head fur. Done for Aaron Fechter.

Dook Larue Animatronic
Character mechanically restored for customer with newly painted and furred mask

Billy Bob Animatronic
Fully mechanically, cosmetically restored, with new mask and painted guitar.

1980 Fatz Mask
A more detailed and scarier version of Fatz that was painted

Fatz mask painted and furred using the original head fur.

Mitzi mask painted with brand new head fur

Rolfe, Dook, Mitzi masks
Batch of five masks painted

Rolfe mask painted.

Beach Bear
Beach Bear mask painted.

Fatz, Rolfe, Billy Bob mask
Batch of three masks painted

Fatz, Billy Bob, Looney Bird animatronic
Three character Rock-afire show fully restored mechanically and cosmetically with brand new masks and cosmetics.

Fatz Animatronic
Fatz animatronic fully mechanically and cosmetically restored with new mask, hands, and feet.

Dook mask painted and furred, reusing the original head fur. Done for Aaron Fechter.

Mitzi mask painted and furred, reusing the original head fur. Done for Aaron Fechter.
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